The End

Sorry it has been so long since my last post! A lot has happened since June and I am going to fill you in with pictures!

In June, I had a going away party with my community in Alidi. I will never forget the love, compassion, and friendship they showed me. I will be forever grateful for my two years in this incredible village.

Community Members at the party
Holding a baby named after my dad…literally named ‘Dennis Vecchi’
my favorite girls!
Health Centre Staff
My neighbor and best friend, Beatrice

Packing up and leaving two years of your life is much harder than I thought. Even harder knowing that I may never see these people again…or live this simply, freely, or happily. For all the hard times and struggles, I loved Uganda and Ugandans with all my heart. The country transformed me into my best self and I will always be thankful for that. I met, worked with, and loved some truly incredible people. It is certainly a time in my life that I will never forget. Uganda will always have a large part of my heart and a little piece of me will always be longing to go back to the dirt, the laughing children, and the gracious people.

At the very end of June, I COS’d from Peace Corps Uganda. COS means close of service. Just that like, I was a Returned Peace corps Volunteer…for one month. It was hard to say goodbye to my friends who have become like family, but I was excited for my new adventure! I flew home to Boston for one month, which turned into six weeks, and then headed to Malawi for my new role as National Malaria Coordinator…more details to come!

Gonging out…I’m Done!
Saying goodbye to Reeve has hard but I’ll see him next month in Malawi!
The Lira Crew!

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